Paris continued...

Finally! is allowing me to add photos. Here are some long overdue photos from my trip to Paris with AFS. 

 Académie Nationale de Musique: The Paris Opera House 
Mozart, Bach, and some other very famous composers preformed here. 
A mural of love in Montmartre. It has "I love you" in almost every language. 
(Ólöf had a hard time finding Icelandic). 
 "Je t'aime" = I love you in french
 Montmartre. I love this neighborhood! I also like the weird graffiti animal on the building (left). 
 This translates to "I have always dreamed of being a tuna." Found this while walking up one of the many flights of stairs in Montmartre. Very artsy :)
 Sacre Cœur 
 A street performer in front of Sacre Cœur. They street performers in Paris are very talented. I don't know if it's clear in this photo, but he is juggling a soccer ball with scaling a lamp post!
Sacre Cœur. It is one of the most beautiful churches inside. It's a shame you can't take photos inside the building. 
 The view of the Eiffel Tower from Montmartre. Even in a hazy afternoon, the Eiffel Tower truly towers over Paris. 
 This little bit of graffiti is very cute. The "h" is together is missing, but it's the thought that counts. This reminds me of AFS. A group of exchange students- we are all different yet connected.
 La Tour Eiffel 
 Finding a little bit of America in Paris. Of all of the states, they choose Indiana. Why? Not going to lie- I forgot Indiana existed. 
 Don't go the website. Bad idea. 
 I just adore the signs for the Paris metro!
 Me and Pili infront of the Moulin Rouge 
 L'Arc de Triomphe 
On the Champs Elysées with Kristine and Pili 
 Les filles d'AFS
 Moi et Elizabete
 Haha- Literally the worst photo of me, but I love the cinema on the Champs-Elysées in the background. 
 The Champs Élysées decorated for Christmas
The Eiffel Tower is absolutely stunning at night.
 Moi et Sydney
 Barbara, Pilar, Moi, Sydney, Janina
Elizabete, Karolina, Barbara, Pilar, Moi, Sydney, Janina, Olof
 The Eiffel Tower lit up! 
 Pilar and me 
 Sydney, Kristine, and me
 Again, I love the signs for the metro! So classy. 
Pilar and me in the metro