21/12/12: Mon anniversaire et "la fin du monde"

This past Friday was Rachel and my birthday. Although it was the first time in 18 years that we couldn't be together for our birthday, it was pretty awesome to celebrate my birthday in France. 
Olof and our school's beautiful sculpture. 
Hey there good looking :)
Our last class on friday was spent researching our options for professions after taking the BAC. Everyone had the idea to bring snacks and candy to eat while working. Career searching didn't apply to Olof or I, so we spent most of the class drawing pictures and eating candy. My friends surprised me by making a cake and singing happy birthday...in english. :)
Some tattoos Olof and I found attached to candy wrappers. "Ça déchire" is slang meaning "it (that) rocks". Not really sure what "Grave in love" means. I think it supposed to mean something around the lines of being deeply in love. 
Some icelandic candy Olof brought to class. They were really good! 
After school, my friends went to a café and got hot cocoa. It was also to celebrate Agnès' birthday which was the next day, (the 22nd). 
For my birthday dinner, I went to a kebab restaurant with some other friends. It was super greasy, but delicious! Kebab restaurants are all the rage here. I think there are three in tiny Châtellerault. However, a kebab here isn't served on a stick. It's served like a hot sandwich wrap. 
For my birthday, I got a beautiful scarf and a Nutella kit from my family! 
A bottle of Champagne that I bought!....They didn't check for my id. Oh well. The drinking age is 18 here so your 18th birthday is like your 21st birthday in America. 
 Trying to open the campagne...Fail.
Olof gave me a shot glass from Iceland for my birthday. You can't tell from the picture, but it has written "ICELAND" on it. 
 Francesca is a family friend of my host family. It was her birthday on the 22nd so we celebrated her birthday, too. 
 I was really excited! 
 ...Like really happy. 
 Before we ate the gingerbread house. 
Sydney (Texas, USA), Magda (Italy), Me, Karolina (Sweden), Olof (Iceland), Barbara (Italy), Kristine (Norway). They sang happy birthday in every language! 
 Tout le monde! 
 The gingerbread house was so good! 
 Breaking the gingerbread house.
It was a great 18th birthday! ;)
The world did not end and I woke up the next morning alive and still 18 years old. 